Tutorial How-to – Shadowgun On Non-Tegra Devices

madfinger shadowgunFriends! I bring to you Shadowgun! Probably one of the most bad ass Android games to date. It’s Tegra only so if you have a tegra device you are good to go. Nab the game, install, download, done. If you don’t have a tegra device you aren’t left out in the cold. Here’s how you get this epicness working.

  1. Grab Chainfire3D https://market.android.com/details?id=eu.chainfire.cf3d  The free version should work just fine.
  2. Grab the Chainfire plugins which include the tegra plugin. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4P9LEW7P
  3. Finally grab the Shadowgun 1.0.2 APK file. I do not condone piracy. You do this at your own risk. Buy the game it’s that good! http://brockh.at/tiOUcP (google search)
  4. Install chain fire.
  5. Install Shadowgun.
  6. Unrar the plugins(should have 3 zip files).
  7. Copy the zip files to your SD card.
  8. Open Chainfire install the chainfire driver(requires phone reboot).
  9. Open Chainfire again. Choose Install plugins/shaders.
  10. Install the Nvidia plugin.
  11. Go to “Per-app OpenGL settings”
  12. Tap Shadowgun
  13. Uncheck “Use default settings”
  14. Check “Reduce texture size” and “Disable MapBuffer emu”.

You can now run the game. If you want it even more buttery smooth and don’t mind giving up a little visual quality you can also check “reduce texture quality”. It’s also worth noting this little tweak could be applied to any tegra game you want to run and can also be used to increase performance for demanding non-tegra games especially if you are on an older device.

Happy hunting!