I’m sure there are going to be hundreds of reviews of the Battlefield Hardline Beta now that it’s in the open. I wanted to share a perspective that is a little bit different. I had […]
Hands On – Tomb Raider
I haven’t played Tomb Raider extensively, in a meaningful way, since the original. I’ve put in no more than an hour in to each with the exception of Tomb Raider Underworld which I put a […]
The Curious Case of Portal 2
Any one who claims to be a gamer should know who Valve is and any one who claims to be a geek should have played, at least once, the game called Portal. Portal posits the […]
Xbox Stifling Progress Not New But Noticeable
I ran across this video earlier today. While PC vs. Xbox vs. PS3 comparisons aren’t new what is new is what we’re finding in what were previously limit pushing games are now making the cash […]