So I’ve been baffled by all the hoopla around the new Amazon tablet. Sure it’s from Amazon, cool and sure it’s cheap, neat! But comparing it to the Ipad and making all this fuss just […]
Quakecon Mohawk
Mr. T can take his Night Elf Mohawk and GTFO cause ya gotta make room for the Quakecon Mohawk! [slideshow]
The Rick Roll In Pictures
A few days ago I came across some instructions on how to setup your own URL shortener. It appeared pretty simple so I followed the instructions. So now I have use of as my […]
Twitter Horizontal
As of late I’ve been working on bringing up my social network status. This of course requires a ton of tweeting and Facebook posting and playing Empire Avenue. During all this I’ve been working on my social […]
TweetDeck Is The Cleaner Simpler Facebook
TweetDeck is a much used, much beloved Twitter client that you could say has branched out in to being a social client. Yes it still does twitter but they’ve added support for Facebook, Google Buzz […]
Why the Telegraph & Twitter Are Full of Crap
So a hot topic this morning has my blood boiling. Now usually this is just because Mashable posts something ridiculous, most times some Apple loving spew. I’d like to think I keep my temper in check. […]
Social Networking: Out not In
Image via Wikipedia Unlike a lot of people on the internet I’m not going to claim to be some sort of social media guru or consultant or what ever BS word people like to attach […]
Bad Taste Activision – Guitar Hero on Career Page
So I was doing what I do best. Trolling. It just so happened I was trolling career pages around the industry. Every one wants the fame and fortune associated with working for a big name […]